A New Year Reminder...
You don't need to dawn a new demeanor on January 1st with a daunting list of determined goals to dash through the new year.
Ditch the drive to dart forward at the 2025 starting line, striving to "win a race".
January 1st is just another delightful day to dream and begin anew.
Just like every other dazzling day.
Every second of every day offers a splendid chance to shift, transform, and thrive.
Endless opportunities abound, always. Not just in the new year.
It doesn't matter what day of the year or week it is.
Every day is an opportunity for personal growth, re-alignment, empowerment, and healing.
Every day is an opportunity to declare, "I've had enough, and today is the day to choose differently."
Every day is an opportunity to loosen your grip on self-doubt, limitation, and fear...
And lean into confidence, freedom, and flow.
Wherever you are in your journey, be gentle and kind with yourself.
Slow down.
Be present.
Give yourself love and grace.
Admire your growth.
And honor the space you're in...
This is especially true if you are navigating the "in-between," ~ the transformative space between where you are and where you aspire to be.
And especially if you are in the cocoon of your metamorphosis, where introspection is more vital than swift action.
You are enough... just as you are... in every phase of life.
No conditions. No rush. No pressure.
Remember... when you plant a seed, you can't expect it to bloom overnight.
Hold your vision in faith... and give those dreams the space to blossom.
You will know when it's time to take inspired action, and it will not feel rushed; it will feel right.
Sending you abundant blessings in 2025.
With love,
Bishop Darrell A. Boone
With Faith and Fortitude,
Bishop Darrell A. Boone and Pastor Raynold Richardson Faith-Focused "Weekly" Guide for Families: Heaven in Your Heart and Home The Salt Shakers for Jesus Show, LLC info@thesaltshakersforjesusshow.org bishopdarrellaboone@yahoo.com facebook.com/bishopdarrellaboone.184 thesaltshakersforjesusshow.org